Podujatie Industry day organizované Asociáciou slovenských kameramanov poukazuje na kreatívnu prácu tvorcov v audiovizuálnom priemysle.
Zároveň prezentuje súčasné technologické zázemie a vytvára priestor na porovnanie najnovších trendov so zahraničím.
23.5.2019 · 8:30
Ateliér 727
Elektrárenská 12360
Bratislava - Slovakia
Základné vstupné
10 €
Študenti vysokých škôl
(po preukázaní sa študentským preukazom)
5 €
Študenti stredných škôl
(po preukázaní sa študentským preukazom)
The Industry Day event, organized by the Association of Slovak Cinematographers (ASK), shines a spotlight on the creative work of professionals in the audiovisual industry.
Additionally, it presents the current technological conditions in Slovakia and gives the opportunity to compare them with the newest film trends abroad.
After the dissolution of the film laboratories in Bratislava and closure of their partnering professions’ facilities, this event aims to put Bratislava, and Slovakia, back on the European and world filmmaking map.
It serves as a complex platform offering an array of solutions for producers and for the different
professions essential in the production process of cinema or television features.
ASK’s Industry Day provides the opportunity for presentation to companies already well-established on the Slovak film market as well as to businesses which are just starting to operate in the area of film equipment rental and development.
A key part of the event is the presentation of film technology, equipment and innovations relevant to the actual creative work – demonstrated live by professional cinematographers in workshops, and shown on samples of existing film and television works.
Film and television proffesionals
Students and teachers
Technical and creative examples of film production
Workshop profesionálneho rigovania kamery na auto
Prezident asociácie
Workshop profesionálneho rigovania kamery na auto
Opportunity arises for the presentation of technological and creative processes of other film professions.
The focal point of these technology workshops are presentations of various cinematographic approaches delivered by professional cinematographers, most of whom are ASK members, through sharing their personal work experiences.
The individual presentations show the areas of camera lighting and grip rentals as part of the end-to-end process – affecting post-production, editing, grading, script supervision – and also other innovations, which make up an integral part of audiovisual work production.
Another part of the event’s program are lectures on the domains and work aspects which shape the production of audiovisual works.
Key topics include legislation and other areas relating to the use of drones, filming permits, etc. These topics are presented in association with production company representatives and are demonstrated on samples from existing works.
Meeting different professionals with whom you can consult your creative approaches – at one time, in one place – whilst having the opportunity to try out the different equipment and processes is a very important aspect of ASK Industry Day.